Thursday, April 10, 2008

Deep Fried Soft Shell Blue Crab

A Surprising treat down Grand Popo way.

These guys were beer battered and done in a vegetable oil from a lawn chair in Collin's front yard. Dipped in a quark and citrus dressing with quark from a monestary in Parakou.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Pork and Peron

The pork part is pretty self explanatory. Pork and Peron

The peron, on the other hand, is simply gari (dried and ground manioc, a type of potato) bound together with rendered pork fat and seasonings.

Just terrible for the heart, but easily the most palatable of all the amorphous demi-liquids consumed here. Ususally served with sauce (below) or just diced peppers.